Silent hunter 5 keyboard map
Silent hunter 5 keyboard map

silent hunter 5 keyboard map

(Devteam): SH3 will include British auxiliary cruisers and German armed merchant cruisers. (sonardog): Will q-ships and armed merchant cruisers be present in the game? We aim to bring a realistic experience to the player, so they are a part of our game too. (Devteam): Surface engagements were an important and well known part of World War 2 naval warfare. Akerberg: If SH3 is a subsim, Why about half of the screens are about surface battles between surface ships? (Devteam): Convoy shadowing and radio reports were an important part of the wolfpack tactics, and this will be reflected in our game too. (HB73): During the dynamic campaign if we report by radio “convoy in sight” (I’m assuming we can do this :)) can we expect other U-Boats to join us? Additionally, convoy structure will reflect historical facts. We might use the “spawn-in” system to recreate specific events related to date and location. (Devteam): Campaign convoy navigation is based on historical shipping lanes.

silent hunter 5 keyboard map

(Shan_Hackett): will convoys sail using true shipping lanes or just “spawn-in” at a pre-defined location/time? As we postponed the game in order to include a dynamic campaign, you can be sure we are committed to match the graphics with equal gameplay quality. (Devteam): Great graphics are only one factor – admittedly the easiest to spot in a screenshot – in a complex system meant to immerse the player in the game. (Legion88): Great graphics are nice, but will the AI and the Dynamic Campaign receive equal attention?

Silent hunter 5 keyboard map